Matt Goldsmith



Matt Goldsmith likes to talk about himself in the third person.

I always find it weird when people write their own bio in the third person, as if you’re meant to believe someone else created this fan site dedicated to them. Anyway, here goes… Genius is a word all too often thrown around with unrestrained impulsiveness, and this is just another one of those instances. I was going to include a black and white photo of me holding a camera or looking through the viewfinder towards a mirror to present a literal representation of a photographer in case you weren’t aware of what one does. Clichés and metaphors really grind my gears, so I spared you that, for now.

As someone who despises social media, I am the perfect person to consult with how to get the best from any of the platforms and not fall into their marketing traps.

If you have any ideas, questions, suggestions or projects in mind, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.

[email protected]

Featured Post

This website is still under construction, the photos aren’t mine!

Here’s a woman struggling to brush her hair for the first time

This child is wondering why the photographer has whitewashed his ethnicity to appeal to the masses

Here’s a “photographer” taking a portrait. He’s bothered to twist the tripod mount to fit in the palm of his hand – I bet he takes many wedding portraits – he’s not invested in a grip to allow him to hold the camera in an upright and more stable position, he’s obviously a pro.

An ugly wedding photo


I’m a diva. I rarely take on projects that require little imagination or do not immediately command my attention. Most of my work is solely for my own amusement. This is easier to accept than face the harsh reality that I am never satisfied with anything I produce. If that doesn’t put you off, check out these little boxes below…

Birthday Party

I get invited to birthdays and asked ‘if I can bring my camera’. My answer will always be, ‘no’. I genuinely hope you have a nice time, but my anxiety will keep me imprisoned at home.

Wedding Photography

Yeah, no. I don’t want to take your wedding photos, Congratulations, but please do not try to book me. There are many great specialists I can recommend if you drop me an email.


Bingpot! 5000-mile road trips of the wild west are my jam. I’ll do all the driving too. I’m not a fan of city breaks, unless that city is Tokyo or Osaka. “かんぱい!!, bitches. Let’s party!”

New Born

Unless you’re talking about a baby V8, fresh off the production line, move along and have a rest; you probably need it. I can recommend great people if you drop me an email.


Editing, camera operating or directing; videography is a medium I’m enjoying exploring and studying. Happy to collaborate or consult on projects, so get in touch.

Wildlife Photography

I love animals more than people, you probably do too. Even if you don’t want to hire me to take awesome photographs of your pets, send me pictures of them to brighten up my inbox.


If I ever win any, I will post them here, until then, here are some generic award icons as placeholders. One looks like the Europa League – one even says Photo Stud 1932, I’d be flattered to win that.


Amazing, the best we could have hoped for. 4-Stars.

Mary & John